Andry Delivers True Rock Vocal Powerhouse With 'Skies'
Skies (Single)
It’s really hard when reviewing music, particularly if it’s a newish artist, not to compare the sound to what has once come before for it. As soon as the latest single, Skies, from snake loving fantasy artist Andry opens the first beat, I hear Dragonforce, Helloween (ish) or any number of fast beating, rapidly palm muted power metal.
And because fast moving palm muting is awesome, then so is the opening of this track! A few seconds in, we’re greeted with back to back ‘ohhh’s’, that universal singalong lyric accompanied by some pretty anthemic keyboard action. When wanting to get the listener interested, or the crowd going, then this is a pretty undisputed way of grabbing one's attention.
Andry’s voice powerfully matches the guitars as it kicks in after the first half minute. Crisp, a touch dark, with occasions of operatic soaring, the vocals definitely match the structure of the song and powerhouse sounds.
At 2 mins in, the widdling guitar solo with its articulate pick sweeps and digging in, once again continues to compliment this genre of production and air bending sound waves. And as quickly as it starts, it’s finished. At only just over 3 mins, this short, punchy, loud, fast assault on the senses leaves you sort of thinking ‘what happened there’, and the chorus ‘Into the Skies, I’ll be trying’ firmly fixed into my head, even if I didn’t necessarily want it to be there!
As a debut single, released via Baby Mistress Records, this Greek originating, sword wielding, force of a human will, no doubt, be hitting stages throughout 2025. Get ya ass down to a show and check her out, if you dare! Recommend.