Fall Back In Love with Daughter
Not To Disappear
First hearing “Youth” way back in 2013, I instantly fell in love. I was captivated... but for real. Listening to the song in stand still for endless hours, memorising every detail and chord of the song, it was a true composition of the heart.
After an impatient three years, Daughter are back with new album ‘Not to Disappear’ and it’s oh so wonderful yet heart breaking like previous album ‘If You Leave’ which consisted of “Smother” and “Youth” and we all remember getting the tissues and chocolate for those tracks. Remaining the same, thought provoking, trickling guitars and soft echoed vocals by the gorgeous Elena Tonro this album hits you right in the gut, but this time with a few modern changes.
Slightly more electro and less depressing, more inspiring and motivating, Daughter have stepped up their game but stayed true to their theme and style.
Opening with “New Ways” the soft beats echoe, setting the tempo and pace for the song, but at about 2 minutes in the guitar just sweeps you off your feet and you’re carried into this rush of emotion. Daughter does this incredible job of taking you on a journey of emotion whether being your haunting past or hopeful future, they are true story tellers.
With ‘Not To Disappear’ being a very successful second album to follow the first it’s very easy to dissect each song and comment on how wonderfully creative and completely satisfying each song is, but one thing they all have in common is how intriguing they are. As a team with Elena’s vocals, electrifying and encapsulating guitarist Igor Haefeli and the back bone drummer Remi Aguilella this team of fantastic creators have opened up and produced material significant to both the creator and listener.
Relating to that, “Alone/With You” holds very honest lyrics and highly associable with that electro addition, the playful beats contradict the lyrics making it even more powerful. Adding layers in to the last quarter of the song, it becomes overpowering and somewhat unbearable but always going back to that emotive theme.
Ultimately this album is a stunner, staying true to the Daughter style with modern additions that work successfully. Daughter as always are oh so brilliant and if anything “Not To Disappear” will confirm its title and be lingering in your hearts and ears for some time.

Catch them live if you can! Theyre a band that really know how to make use of the silences, to create an atmosphere !
Something so delicate about her voice, like a breeze going through a wind chime. That video tore me up too.