Zombie Prom Music Festival Brings Great Live Music
Zombie Prom Music Festival in Phoenix, Arizona was a first and we hope to become an annual. To celebrate the autumn season it was the perfect killer place out in a huge farm field to do so. Bands like the raucously cheeky and a bit naughty, The Struts played along with pop punk band Good Charlotte and Jimmy Eat World.
Good Charlotte actually began their tour in Phoenix, Az as they just released their album, "Youth Authority" and Jimmy Eat World had just released theirs as well, "Integrity Blues."
With most everyone dressed up in zombie attire the venue was packed for the day's events. Other bands that appeared were: K. Flay, Barns Courtney, and The Hunna.
We will definitely be returning next year for the Zombie Prom Music Festival!
All Photography by CowGirlZen Photography and Song River