Domino Blitz Acoustic Gig
Having arrived a little early at the venue I briefly heard/saw Tim sound-checking, and what a bonus, if the gig is going to be anything like I heard, I was in for a good night.
At 9pm sharp Mr Muddiman entered stage left armed with his acoustic guitar and an accomplice, Sam. No smoke, no lights needed. A brief introduction and a thank you to all (tickets were exclusively available through his pledge campaign), Tim launched in to a cover of "The Old Main Drag", a great opener for the night.
"Rat Ballads" and "Burn The Witches" are delivered with an emotional intensity that is probably the nearest thing that I have seen to a human soul being bared. Tim's nervous energy is channeled into a performance that deserves the appreciation of a much larger crowd. Older songs are aired, "Hands and Claws" and "It Feels Like an Open Grave" these too are given the stripped back acoustic treatment. A cover of "Without You I'm Nothing" is a wonderful addition.
I'm sure there were more songs, one of which was a stunning version of a Muddiman original "Wildwood Stone". The strength of a song in my small opinion, is whether they can stand on their own, without all the bells and whistles of the recording studio. Tonight's performance has confirmed this in spades. These stripped back songs, in a stripped back venue, are the highlight of my gig calendar this year. If you get a chance to catch Tim Muddiman you will not be disappointed.