Shi Offline Offer A Dark & Addictive Earworm With 'God Is A Witch'
God Is A Witch (Single)
shi offline
Hamburg based artcore duo, shi offline (deliberately lower case apparently), feature Alisa Tsybina (vocals) and German writer Gordon Gleiss. They make disturbing, haunting, jangling electro-pop music - it makes me feel weird and uneasy – and I can’t get enough of it!
Sometimes a few industry trigger words like –‘artcore’ - leave me fearful that what I am about to hear may be too darn clever to be accessible or too self-indulgent for me to care, gladly this is not the case here. However, it ain’t an easy listening, so strap in and grip the cushion til your knuckles go white, as horror films, modern fairy tales and neon worlds explode into unique, blood splattered soundscapes.
‘God Is A Witch’ features Alisa’s sweet yet chilling vocals against Gordian’s machinic beats, a combination that sends chills down my spine. The song is described as a ‘jungle of witchcraft’… now witness the spirits being summoned amid these dark, toxic rhythms. There’s a rawness here, and glimpses of playfulness too, alongside surgical precision and original thoughts and themes. It's refreshing when something that shouldn’t work genuinely does.
shi offline are a thrillingly bleak surprise… a dark & addictive earworm that you won’t want to leave. They are the musical equivalent of the eternally haunting scene of the horse on the boat in The Ring (look it up if you don’t know it). Now I just need to gird my loins for a live show.