REVIEW gig Maddox Jones Headspace EP Showcase

Come Into my Headspace....

This was a live stream done through Stageit - which I bought a ticket for not really knowing what to expect. What a fantastic surprise I had, Maddox-Jones has the most haunting vocals which sit along side of his keyboard playing just beautifully. 'Come Into My Headspace', the first track on the EP is a very catchy little number that invites you in to somebody else's world to share your feelings for them. 'My House' the second track, was my absolute favourite. This song must be released a single I feel....... it's all about re-visiting the past, facing the future, have we really changed or not ?..... and it has the most brilliant chorus - " F*** it up, do it wrong, do it all over again "...... which I should imagine is many a persons' mantra. The sound quality from this gig was immense ! - the reverb was used to full extent & the songs sounded just great. Next along came ' Dancing Makes You Feel Good ' - now this one was a proper feel good tune (as it says in the title) - immediately catchy hook & I defy anybody to try & sit still whilst listening to it !...... it's definitely one of those ' Dance Club Anthems ' for the future generations. 'No More Ghosts' is just a beautifully written ballad - once again re-visiting the past, yet not being bothered by it anymore. There was another song called ' More Than This' too - which I can see becoming another of my faves as it just makes you feel all happy & warm inside. I really hope that when this silly Covid thing is over I get to see Maddox-Jones ' Live ' somewhere, because if that footage is anything to go by - he will be immense!!!