Shadow Puppet Theatre Deliver A Cyber Noir ‘Avenger’ For Our Times In ‘Codename Summer’
Codename Summer (Single)
Shadow Puppet Theatre
Malaysian rock band Shadow Puppet Theatre pride themselves as being (as their name suggests) ‘hidden puppeteers’, taking listeners through a journey of “Funk, rock and everything in between.” Their latest single does not deviate from this musical manifesto and indeed does not disappoint either…
‘Codename Summer’ starts as a bluesy tome with playfully intriguing lyrics depicting a kind of ‘noirish’ narrative of a private eye ‘avenger’ type character (less Marvel and more ‘cyber’ graphic novel detective, if you will). The song progresses into pleasing wahh wah 70's funky vibe territory, complete with catchy hooks and frontman Dzul displaying his smooth and smoky vocals. The band have also provided a live performance video featuring some fancy guitar work but without the rock star posturing.
Their fictional cyber detective will avenge the ills of the world and punish its abusers. Ahh if only! This is why the song is totally ‘on message’ (as well as being timeless) as, let’s face it, we are living in a strange old time where we would love to have some actual truth and justice shining light into the murky darkness. Sigh.
Shadow Puppet Theatre are a band who deliver all the genres in one hit but in a very accomplished, colourful and thoughtful way. An unpretentious band but one that clearly delight in exploring their imaginative and musical boundaries. ‘Puppet Masters’ indeed. Go and download ‘Codename Summer’. Oh…and where can I find their avenging detective’s number? The world could do with him right now. Recommend.