REVIEW album Angela Hench and Gregory Markel Barcelona (Single)

Tribute To Freddie Mercury By Angela Hench & Gregory Markel

Barcelona (Single)

Angela Hench and Gregory Markel

Operatic powerhouse, Angela Hench has teamed up with iconic Altered State frontman, Gregory Markel, to bring us a fantastic rendition of Freddie Mercury’s classic, ‘Barcelona’. In this tribute, Hench sings in place of Montserrat Cabelle and Markel in place of iconic Queen frontman, Freddie Mercury. Both supremely talented, the single promises to be a cover that honours the original and a piece of music that showcases what they can do at the peak of their powers.

From the very start, the piano softly introduces you to the vocals of Markel, whose vocals instantly mesh with the music, followed by Hench – a contrast in styles that is executed fantastically by them both. The tempo of their performance nestles wonderfully within the music, duetting expertly throughout the entire piece.

As the song progresses and gaps form in between the vocals and music, it provides the perfect environment for Hench to really give a clear operatic performance which will blow anyone away – a power and control in her voice that is as good as it is rare and wonderfully complimented by Markel’s clear and passionate performance. A duet that works not just together, but also with music that is constantly flowing with the piano. With the crescendo approaching, the music increases in volume but also in layers as more and more instruments are introduced, allowing the vocal performance to go up a gear and for the passion and talent of both vocalists to stand out.

When the crescendo reaches its peak, Markel shines as the vocal powerhouse which is underlined perfectly by Hench’s own individual performance, showcasing what they’re capable of on a song of this quality and style. Both give the performance that is needed and deserving a song so iconic.

A classic song and two vocalists that need little to not introduction, it’s a tribute that is grounded with the original but unique in their own styles. Angela Hench’s vocals create a spectacle that is hard to ignore in any scenario, but alongside Gregory Markel in a song of such acclaim in ‘Barcelona’, the result is a performance that reaches new heights. Fans of the Freddie Mercury classic will not be disappointed, nor will fans of Markel and Hench.