Adam Giles Levy Soars With 'Wake of Disarray'
Wake of Disarray
Adam Giles Levy
The musician Adam Giles Levy, who is not afraid to push the boundaries of his own style, comes forth with the delivery of 'Wake of Disarray'. This album is powerful and foreboding, and it hits me over the head with its stories that provoke deep contemplation.
First impressions of the album lead one to believe that it will be filled with bluesy-rock tunes. While this does appear to be the case in some areas, Adam also brings with him countless other genres as well, such as folk and indie too at times. The combination of genres results in something novel and distinct from what is being produced in other parts of the scene at the moment.
'Wild Earth' grabs my lugs and takes me on a journey. The song was released as a single for the first time earlier this year, and its stadium-filling atmosphere draws me in. The words are what strikes me most with Adam speaking about the planet, the damage we cause and also the requirement to act!
The song 'Love Not Rage', which begins with a bluesy Americana guitar riff, diverts my attention. Adam is also experimenting with his voice, and his technique is shifting slightly in comparison to what had come before. He has no fear, and his vocal energy can be heard for a long time after the performance has ended. Even though it's cold and dark outside, the ethereal direction of 'All I Hold Dear' makes me feel all toasty and fuzzy inside.
Overall, a top-class effort from Adam!