Darcy Louch Releases New EP '{re}defining'
Darcy Louch
The release of Darcy Louch's new EP, 'Redefining', brings a breath of fresh air to the R&B and soul music scene in the United Kingdom.
Darcy is still in the early stages of her career and is just beginning to make a name for herself. Still, she already possesses a quality that is easily comparable to that of other stars at the beginning of their careers. Her raw edge is essential for setting her apart in the industry, and her talent shines through in the way that her vocal tones adhere themselves to entrancing musical melodies in the background.
The EP contains a total of five songs, and the first one, 'Worst Enemy', gets things off to a strong start. This song has a pop vibe to it, and you can hear the contemporary influence in the mix. It is not a million miles away from what has come before, but it further explores a sound that has been around for decades and has withstood the test of time. In addition, Darcy's vocals lend an air of melancholy to the situation, and it is remarkable how she is able to move fluidly through the octave range of her voice.
It becomes increasingly clear that a significant portion of this EP is devoted to the concept of practising self-love and working to enhance how we currently feel about ourselves. Furthermore, each track explores the sense of feeling as though we are good enough, and by heck, Darcy sure is good enough!