REVIEW album SnapDibz On My Mind

This Track Is Constantly On My Mind

On My Mind


Independent American born, Indian rapper SnapDibz's track 'On My Mind' is a track that I'm so glad I didn't push to the side. Rap isn't usually my go to genre but I've learnt to love it more as the years have gone by. There's so much power and connection in rap music that can be brushed under the carpet, you need a rapper that can make a statement not to ignore them. Exactly what SnapDibz's has done in his release.

On My Mind is a song about life. It’s about ones journey of self discovery and finding what you really want out of life. Everyone has a different view or opinion of happiness… “some just want to be alone...some just want to chase gold, want a big house with a boat” and so on.”

Talking about different desires and how some are never satisfied, ‘On My Mind’ is about chasing the stream and never giving up on your dreams. Quite optimistic, the track features a subtle melancholic vibe at its core. About trusting the universe and going with the flow of our destiny, this track is best described as empowering.

The track feels like it's about fate and destiny, but a part of me believes that we are the own creator of our destiny, so I'm not entirely sure I agree with the sypnosis. Saying that, I love the musicality in this one and it's a performance of a lifetime.