REVIEW album NickGCherryDot The Perfect Storm

Get Lost In The Perfect Storm By NickGCherryDot

The Perfect Storm


Classical aficionados, venture forth and ready your ears for the glorious music that is NickGCherryDot’s newest masterpiece – The Perfect Storm! This 12-track symphony marks the prolific artist’s 12th album in the past 4 years, all of which have been self-written and self-produced.

Leading the way is the aptly named and exquisitely crafted title track, “The Perfect Storm”. This piece of perfection wonderfully combines classic rock sounds with stirring alternative elements. Shrouded in a haze of electric guitar solos, the song manages to maintain a delicate balance of emotion and tenderness in Nick’s resplendent vocals. The album is an incredibly bold and meaningful exploration of emotional turmoil and challenge; it artfully captures the jarring episodes of life experienced by the artist, from a marital breakdown to a late diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder, and everything in between. Each song on this aural expedition encapsulates and immortalizes a moment in time, a sacred snapshot of Nick’s tumultuous journey.

This ambitious voyage requires no prior knowledge of the artist’s back catalogue, though it is sure to draw in long-time admirers of NickGCherryDot’s work all the same. It is also worth noting that one of the album’s standout tracks, "Time and the Wind," was composed and produced by none other than acclaimed artist Maisy Bellerose. So be sure to lend your ears to NickGCherryDot’s The Perfect Storm. It is a brilliant showcase of all things beautiful in music, as well as a stunning testament to the resilience of the human spirit.