Passport to Stockholm's Launch Party Is A Hit In Camden
Set in a small yet popular bar in Camden there's a special event occurring at the Barfly; the packed room buzzes with excitement as drinks are pouring at the bar, t-shirts sold in the corner and a group of young girls pushing to get to the front.

Tonight it’s the launch party of Indie Folk band Passport to Stockholm, with a huge range of instruments this band portray their versatility and eager talent. The Acoustic guitar sets the tempo of the Folk feel yet it’s the rough, edgy tone of the vocals that highlight the Indie sound these guys are creating.
With a Cello and range of percussion such as stomp boxes and loop pedals these are the little things that make a big sound and impression which shows these guys go the extra mile; and if that isn’t enough in one set for you the lead singer suddenly pulls out a harmonica which is surprising yet refreshing.
This band perform exceedingly well together as each song flows into each other and the constant smiles of communication between each member shows that they’re having fun too. The sound created is just perfect for easy listening whatever the occasion but is better appreciated live as the band fully engross themselves into the performance making the music sound more alive and enjoyable.
With a few trip ups on the way such as microphone failure on their single “Imperfections” the band refused any errors, as part of their encore the band re- performed “Imperfections” with everything on point. This shows the band soldier on and make it worth our while as the final version was damn good!
Though I say this band are great and truly deserve what’s set in the path having been supported by BBC 6 Music, it was hard to notice the reciprocation from the crowd as mumbles amongst them were hard to disguise. But nonetheless the venue was packed and people were singing along which must mean they have a clear and confident fan base.
With a great launch party and charismatic personalities this band better have a good hold of their passports as I’m sure they’ll be jetting off to big success very soon.
"Imperfections" single is out now Written by Hannah West