REVIEW album Matt Moody Party In The Valley

It's Been Over A Year & I Still Love This Song

Party In The Valley

Matt Moody

Melancholic electronic pop music? What's not to like. Matt Moody's gorgeous music has been at the top of my list for a number of years. Endearing and drawing upon themes of depression and mental health, Matt's tracks hit upon a relatable spot. Harboring inspiration from heroes such as Tom Petty and Gregg Alexander, Matt’s desirable music lies somewhere between indie, pop-rock and even folk. Back with the inspiring new single “Party In The Valley”, the message behind the anthem isn’t what you’d expect. About experiencing that deep, state of depression, numbness and staleness. He named the song Party In The Valley because he thought it best captured the idea of throwing a pity-party for yourself instead of facing your emotions head on. I can really relate to this song at the moment. Sometimes it's hard to find clarity in those undermining subjects, but this number really hits close to home. Party In The Valley should be titled Party In My House because this song has been on repeat in my household ever since it dropped. I love how the title is the complete opposite to what the song truly is about. There's a lot of passion throughout the number and you can really hear Matt pour everything into this song. An indie song with a lot of meaning, as I said at the beginning... what's not to like?